Hey Fashloves,
We are currently two days away until the new year begins! So around this time there is always the typical ‘New year excitement’ buzz going around but I am honestly super stoked for 2016. I have this deep feeling that 2016 will be a year of greatness for a few reasons:
1. I’ll be getting married (can’t wait!)
2. I’ll be graduating from College (really really can’t wait)
3. I’ll be able to fully pursue my career/dreams
4. I foresee lots of traveling and going new places
Due to this already extremely busy new year, I have a lot of planning that needs to be done both for my life and of course in the name of fashion/style. Today I’ll be providing you all with a few tips to prep for 2016 (and every new year for that matter) especially in the realm of style.
1. Purchase a Stylish Planner
I know this might sound a bit cliche and you’ve probably seen and heard this tip a million times but it truly helps! Getting a new planner every year helps support the idea of getting a ‘fresh and new start’. I personally purchase my planners from Target because I love the chic and modern designs that the company Sugar Paper provides. There are various planners on the market so I advise you to choose one that includes a monthly calendar, pages for contacts, and a section for notes. I always bring my planner along with me when I have any fashion related meetings so I can easily jot down deadlines into the monthly section, any phone numbers/names of those I need to contact, and what was discussed in the meeting. You can use your planner to also document any fashion ideas that you may have as well as your style goals.
Specifically getting a more stylish planner keeps me more motivated (crazy, I know) and since it is more appealing to the eye it will continue to draw me towards using it.
2. Sort Through your Closet and Complete a Closet Cleanse
This tip is very important for my clothing lovers and those who enjoy purchasing many pieces throughout the year. If you’re like me at all, you truly enjoy getting a good deal and picking up trendy pieces that have caught your eye multiple times. You then get to the point towards the end of the year where you have tons of purchases and some of them you haven’t even worn once! You might even have a few pieces from the previous year that you aren’t even sure how it got into your closet in the first place. What I typically do to combat the overcrowded closet syndrome is to sort through and complete a closet cleanse. First, go through all of your clothing (yes even those pesky drawers) and pull out all clothing that doesn’t fit your style mantra anymore, isn’t the correct size, and you haven’t worn in a year. Be sure to do the same for your shoes and accessories as well.
I typically sell my gently used pieces to Platos Closet and what they weren’t interested in buying I either donate or give away. This tip helps clear up space so you won’t start your new year cluttered and provides you with more space.
Invest in a clothing rack so you can put your key pieces there so they can be easily accessible.
3. Create a Style Mood Board
If you checked out my 2015 Outfit Recap (if not you can do so here) then you know I create style goals for the new year. Creating a mood board will help translate some of the goals you may have and provide inspiration as well. I decided to create a digital mood board but it can be even more fun to create a physical one and put it on display in your room! I plan on creating a more extensive mood board but this simple one showcases that in 2016 I’ll be sticking to a neutral color palette, modern pieces, and clean chic lines. You can also use this mood board to keep you organized when shopping.
4. Start the New Year off being Fashion Forward
If you plan on stepping out on New Years Eve be sure to choose a look that will stand out amongst the crowd. The outfit idea that you see above is a quick look I put together featuring one of my favorite fabrics in times of celebration: sequins! I personally believe it is always great to start off the New Year with a fashionable foot forward. Click here to get more details on this glammed look!
Hope you all enjoyed the tips and the outfit idea I provided you with! Are you guys excited for the New Year? What are a few of your style goals?
Love your sequined top! Happy New Year!