Tell us about yourself and your brand Simply Passionate Life.
What made you take the plunge and create your personal brand?
Through your passion of health and wellness, how do you encourage others to live passionately within that aspect?
What is your favorite part of being a girl boss?
What is your method of living passionately?
One of my models is that every moment is a message, you just have to pay attention! That is one way that I strive to live passionately. By looking at life as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than just tangible milestones to accomplish, I am able to find contentment even if the situations don’t go my way. So many of us are on a hamster wheel pursuing some future destination that we don’t learn valuable lessons along the way. It’s so important to enjoy the journey! Don’t let life happen; we must do the living and invest in the people that have been put along our paths!
What inspires you to keep pushing forward and excelling in your space?
I am motivated by the community. I’m motivated by the women that may feel overwhelmed or stuck in a rut and need encouragement to live with contentment. I believe life is way less about accomplishments than relationships. It means a lot to me to be able to build intentional relationships with women along my journey!
What is some advice you have for someone who wants to start their brand but afraid to do so?
My first piece of advice would be: feel the fear and do it anyway! If you are afraid, you are in the company of great men and women who have done some incredible things in history. The things that are the most impactful are the things that we think we are incapable of doing; so let your faith overcome your fear. I would also say “learn how to have it all even when you can’t have it all”. As a mom, a wife, and as a plain old woman, we want to have it all. We want to be everything for everyone and we can’t. Some days you will be a superwoman, who gets it all done, and feel like you have it all. On other days, you will get none of it done and feel like “Lord Why?”. However, even on those days, remember you already have it all in Christ. We lack nothing in him! We’ve been given the power to overcome this world and to live for him and His glory. So even when we don’t “have it all”, remember that everything that we get is just the icing on the cake. This leads to my last piece of advice: you must know your “why”. Why are you doing what you’re doing? From having kids to getting married to starting your business to working at that body; why did you begin? Keeping this consistent reminder in mind will help you realize you already have all you need even when you can’t literally have it all.
How can someone get involved with your passionate living movement?
The best way to stay connected with me is through my website
Not only do I have monthly meetups for my community, I have two coaching packages that both include a complimentary introductory passionate living call, and lastly I host a quarterly 31 day wellness challenge! I’m always excited to connect with people via social media as well so join us @simplypassionatelife on Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram! (@simplypreshkw on twitter).
Hope you all enjoyed learning about Precious! Stay tuned for my next Women On the Move Feature!
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