Currently in a content creating rut? Don’t worry, as creators we’ve all been there and I’ve found one of the best ways to get out of a funk is to find inspiration. What’s not a better way to spark the creativity then to have a list of ideas you can pull from that your audience will love? I’ve compiled my top 20 content ideas that will not only get your creative juices flowing but also will get your audience coming back for more!
How-To Post
Teach your audience how to do something that you’ve mastered. This will show that you are an expert in that particular topic.
List Post
Have a list of your favorite resources or products? Give your audience the 411 on what they need in their lives.
Strategy Post
Have a strategy that has helped you elevate your platform? Provide the inside scoop on how you’ve mastered the strategy.
Series Posts:
A great way to capture an audience is to keep them coming back for more. Find something that you can break down into different posts and share them individually.
FAQ Posts
Pay attention to what your audience is asking you. Whether they’ve posed questions in your comments or even in person, create content based on what your audience would really like to learn from you.
Behind The Scenes Post
Take your audience behind the scenes of something that you do. This allows them to connect with you and learn more about how you complete different processes.
Try Something New Post
Is there something that you’ve either never tried or never thought you would try? Give it a shot and let your audience know how everything went.
Comprehensive Guide Post
Regardless of your niche, complete an in depth guide on one of your favorite topics from start to finish.
Interview Post
Chat it up with an expert in your field or a friend who is knowledgeable on a certain topic and share the conversation with your viewers.
Things to Avoid Post
Have certain practices or products you think your audience should stay away from? Share them but be mindful of how you do so depending on your audience.
Recommendation Posts
Share your review on something you recommend that your audience checks out.
Thoughtful Post
Create a post detailing something you have been thinking about that is more centered around your life or passions. This will allow your audience to connect with you on a more personal level.
Money Focused Post
Share how you’ve saved big bucks while doing something that typically requires a lot of money. Think traveling on a budget.
Travel Guide Focused Post
If you’ve taken trips, create a post that details how you navigated throughout the city.
Misconception Focused Post
Share different myths or misconceptions that relate to your niche.
Lessons Learned Post
Have you learned and grown due to an experience? Provide an explanation on where you were back then and where you are now.
Special Experience Recap Post
This post is great to share if you’ve done something big (gotten married, bought your first car, traveled out of the country) and want to give your audience the inside scoop on the experience.
Event Coverage Recap Post
Invited to events in your city? Provide a recap on what went down and be sure to snap a few photos (if you can) to incorporate into your posts!
Reasons Why Post
Share your top reasons why you do something. For example: 10 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Blog or 5 Reasons You Should Cut Sweets Out of Your Diet.
Biggest Influences Post
Do you have something or someone who influences you? Write about who they are and why they influence you.
Hope this helps in your content creation endeavors!
These are all grata ideas, Michelle! I will definitely have to use some of these ideas for my blog.
Thanks Janee, Glad this can help!